I agonized for a few moments on which of my girls to pick. But, Leonora came out the winner as I think she would be the one most likely to work a room at an industry party. Trina would want to be the hostess, and Raine would most likely either want to brood in the corner or spend all her time throwing things on the ground for the other models to slip on.
Looking at these pictures, it's very evident that the camera did not capture how BRIGHT this fabric is. I chose it because it is definitely a color that would stand out amongst most other outfits.
I also have been wanting to make a culotte pants ensemble, so this was the perfect time to do it! You don't see this type of pant a lot right now (although they are still around, and they are EXPENSIVE... regardless of the fact that they are just as easy to make as skinny pants, if not easier)
The collar/top went though a few trials and errors, but I think the way it came out is okay. If I had more time, I would have tried to do something more interesting with the collar area, as at this point the judges are beginning to frown on all that which is Boring, but it's still a clean line that fits the model well.
From the way she's working her face in the pictures, I think Nora likes it, too!
Nice & groovy!